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Our New Family Pack Makes Summer Sweeter!

Just in time for Summer, our new Family Pack is an amazing deal for anyone looking to try and share Sweet And Healthy with their family and friends! Complete with two (2 pound) bags of Sweet and Healthy X5, and a ten ounce table-top canister, bring the gift of healthy living to those you care about most!




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The Sugar with Health Benefits. No sweetener like it on the market!  Sweeten everything you wish. Sprinkle a little X5 into every dish to enhance the flavor.  X5 is the Healthy FOOD ENHANCER. Sweet and Healthy X5 comes in several sizes.  Currently we have: Sweet & Healthy X5 3.5 oz refillable shaker (10) 3.5 oz refillable shakers (volumn purchase) 10 oz Canister One 2 lb Replacement bag Three 2 lb Replacement bags  

Science Behind Sweet & Healthy X5

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The science behind Sweet and Healthy X5 comes from international university studies and recent research discoveries. In developing X5, the concept was to make a truly healthy sweetener that was DIABETIC FRIENDLY and produced SUSTAINED ENERGY. In the process, research proved that the ingredients had significant health benefits beyond our wildest expectations.

Latest Recipes

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Sweet and healthy X5 is about five times sweeter than sugar so it can be used in a 1 to 5 ratio with any recipe. That ratio may differ depending on your taste and the dish. Continue reading for our latest recipes

Sweet and Healthy X5 is 5 times sweeter than table sugar and designed for 5 Major Health Benefits. Sweet and Healthy X5 is designed and scientifically tested to benefit health in 5+ major areas. Diabetic Friendly – Provides Sustained Energy – Supports Neurological Health – Strengthen Cell Membrane – Improve Brain Function – reduce FAT cells X5 blend has the benefits and clean sweet taste of non-GMO Trehalose, 100% Pure Organic Stevia Extract, and Xylitol. Sweet & Healthy X5 is a naturally sweet alternative whose time has come. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not promoted to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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Sweet and Healthy
Houston, Texas

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